We cant use this, but here are some headings

Meet and greet
We’ll talk you through the process and give you a Financial Services Guide to help you understand who we are and how we work plus the steps you will need to take to get started.

Setting your goals
We’ll work with you to understand your objectives and give you an overview of our proposed strategy.  We’ll also talk you through your options, benefits, risks and costs.

Creating your plan
Once you’re comfortable with our approach, we’ll design a personal financial plan tailored to your needs and goals.

Our recommendations
We’ll provide you with a tailored Statement of Advice (your plan) which details our recommendations to help you achieve your stated objectives. Naturally we will talk through the plan with you to help you understand what is being proposed. This is the time to ask lots of questions to make sure you have enough information to make an informed decision.

Putting your plan to work
When you give us the go ahead, we’ll make the necessary arrangements to rollout the agreed recommendations and start putting your financial plan into action.

Keeping on track
An annual meeting with your financial planner will help keep your financial plan on track for success.  It gives us an opportunity to review what is working and what isn’t, discuss how your goals have changed and make any required adjustments.